
How To Set The Time On A Keurig

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The Keurig is a blazon of single-brew coffee maker that works with especially designed coffee pods called "G-Cups." With a little preparation, these machines are quick, user-friendly, and piece of cake to employ. Once you lot've set up your machine and run a cleaning cycle, you'll be ready to brew your first cup! To keep your Keurig in good working order, don't forget to descale and clean information technology occasionally.

  1. 1

    Plug the Keurig into a grounded outlet. Before you use your Keurig for the showtime time, check it over and remove whatever adhesive tape or protective films. Identify the Keurig on your counter and plug it into a grounded outlet.[one]

    Grounded outlets accept 3 holes: 2 for the live wires that bring ability to your appliances and one for a basis wire to prevent dangerous surges. For rubber reasons, the Keurig is designed to only plug into grounded outlets.

  2. 2

    Remove the water reservoir and rinse it with make clean water. Depending on your Keurig model, the water reservoir may be located on the side or dorsum of the motorcar. Remove the lid of the reservoir and set it aside, so elevator the reservoir itself upwards and abroad from the Keurig. Rinse information technology with absurd, clean water in your sink.[two]

    • Some Keurig reservoirs tin't be removed from the car. If your Keurig has a built-in reservoir, yous'll have to clean it merely by filling information technology and running water through information technology.


  3. three

    Fill the reservoir with clean water and replace it. Once you've rinsed the reservoir a little, fill it with clean h2o up to the max fill up line marked on the side. Put the reservoir back in identify and lock information technology in, and so put the lid back on.[3]

    If the reservoir is congenital into the Keurig, use a carve up container to pour in water up to the make full line.

  4. 4

    Press the power button to start heating the water. One time the Keurig is fix with water in the reservoir, striking the power button to turn it on. The h2o should starting time heating upwardly automatically.[four]

    • Depending on your model, your Keurig may display a reddish "Heating" lite while it is warming upwards. This light will plow off once the machine is done heating.
    • If your model doesn't have a heating light, wait for the heating sound to stop.
  5. 5

    Run a brew wheel without using a M-Cup and discard the h2o. Earlier brewing your first beverage in the Keurig, you lot will need to run a cleansing brew. Place a mug on the drip tray, and so open and close the K-Cup holder every bit if y'all were brewing a drink. The brewing buttons on the control panel should blink to let you know the automobile is ready. Press the "Small Cup" button to outset brewing. Let the brew cycle run, then pour out the water in the cup.[5]

    • Don't put a Grand-Cup pod in the motorcar when you run the cleaning cycle!
    • Make sure you utilise a cup that's at least x fluid ounces (300 mL) for the cleansing brew process, unless your user manual instructs otherwise.
    • On some models, such as the Thou-Elite, you will need to press the "Hot Water" button before you select the brewing button. The correct loving cup size for the cleansing mash cycle may also vary, so cheque your instructions.
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  1. 1

    Place a mug on the drip tray. Earlier you brew your first drinkable, choose a mug and place information technology on the drip tray plate. Depending on the model of Keurig you have, you should exist able to utilize a range of mug or loving cup sizes with your car.

    • For example, if y'all have the K-Elite, y'all tin can utilise containers ranging in size from a 4  fl oz (120 mL) loving cup to a 12  fl oz (350 mL) travel mug.
    • To use a travel mug with some models, you lot may need to remove the drip tray and put the mug directly on the base for it to fit.
  2. 2

    Lift the handle of the machine and insert a Chiliad-Cup. Select the K-Cup pod of your option and elevator the handle at the superlative of the machine to access the K-Loving cup holder. Insert the pod into the holder with the foil-side up.[vi]

    • Don't remove the foil from the hat before putting the K-Cup into the machine! The Keurig has born needles that pierce the foil during the brewing process.
  3. 3

    Push the handle downward completely to shut the hat. In one case you insert the 1000-Cup securely into the holder, push the handle downwards until the hat is securely closed. Depending on the model y'all have, y'all may see the message "Ready to Brew" in the display window.[7]

    • If you lot've just brewed a cup, your Keurig will need a little time to warm up again earlier you can brew another cup. This generally takes a lilliputian less than a minute.
    • Double-check that the reservoir nevertheless has h2o in information technology before you beginning brewing!
  4. 4

    Press the appropriate brew size push and wait for the brewing to finish. When the Keurig is set up to brew, select the brew size button of your selection. On most models, brewing takes about one minute.

    • Depending on your model, you may have options other than cup size to choose from. For instance, the K-Elite allows you lot to select the strength of your coffee and likewise cull between hot and iced options.
    • The Keurig will permit out a loud outburst of air to allow you lot know when the brewing procedure is finished.
    • To protect yourself from existence injured by hot h2o or steam, don't lift the hat of the M-Cup holder while the Keurig is brewing.

    Tip: If you see a message that says "Prime number" and nothing comes out of the Keurig machine when you striking the mash buttons, you may need to make clean your Keurig.

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  1. i

    Descale your Keurig with white vinegar every three-half-dozen months. Over time, mineral deposits will build up within your Keurig. To keep your motorcar running smoothly, you lot'll need to descale it every few months. To do this, fill up the reservoir halfway with white vinegar and run several brewing cycles without a 1000-Cup until the reservoir is empty. Repeat this process with patently water.[8]

    • You tin prevent scale buildup past using bottled water instead of difficult tap water. Keurig does non recommend using distilled or softened h2o.[9]
    • Yous can as well purchase a Keurig descaling solution as an alternative to vinegar. Follow the directions on the packet if y'all choose a commercial descaler. While Keurig recommends their ain descaling solution, many users detect that vinegar works only too and is less expensive.
  2. 2

    Wipe downwards the outside with a damp cloth to clean upward grime. The exterior of your Keurig may start to build upwardly grime, clay, and java residue after a while. To keep your Keurig looking clean and shiny, dampen a microfiber cloth and put a couple of drops of liquid dish soap on it. Wring out whatsoever excess liquid and utilise the cloth to wipe down the outside of the Keurig.

    • You lot can likewise apply an all-natural plant-based cleaner for this.
    • Never immerse your Keurig in water, since this can impairment the electrical components inside.
    • Y'all can likewise keep the reservoir clean by detaching it and rinsing it occasionally.
  3. 3

    Empty and rinse the baste tray when it gets full. The drip tray catches excess coffee or water when information technology drips out of the Keurig during and after brewing. On virtually models, the tray can hold upwards to 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) of overflow. When the tray starts to go full or muddied, remove it by pulling information technology toward you and emptying it into the sink. Clean the tray with a clammy, soapy fabric and rinse it with clean water.

    • Y'all can also clean the tray in the tiptop rack of a dishwasher.
  4. 4

    Have out the Chiliad-Cup holder and wash it if information technology gets dirty. Sometimes the internal components of the Keurig can get muddy or clogged, affecting the machine's functioning or the gustation of your coffee. To clean the M-Cup holder, lift the handle and pull up on the holder while pushing on it from below at the same time. Y'all can so pull the funnel off of the Yard-Cup holder and rinse both parts in lather and water.

    • Be conscientious of the abrupt needle inside the K-Cup holder.
    • If your Keurig is clogged, try inserting a straightened paperclip into the underside of the exit needle to make clean out whatsoever built-up coffee grounds.
    • You can too use a damp cotton swab to make clean the area underneath the Thousand-Cup holder.

    Tip: The entrance needle nether the lid may need to be cleaned occasionally too. To do then, lift the lid and insert a straightened paper clip all the way through the needle. Wiggle it effectually to dislodge any clogs, so run 2 cleansing mash cycles.

  5. v

    Run a cleansing mash after brewing sticky drinks. If you brew a sticky, sugary beverage (such as hot chocolate, apple tree cider, or a sweet coffee drink), it'southward a good idea to flush the Keurig with hot h2o afterward. Simply run a brewing bicycle with manifestly water immediately after brewing your drink.[10]

    • This will help forbid carbohydrate from crystalizing in your Keurig.
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    How do I drain the water completely from my Keurig?

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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Answer

    Most Keurig models tin't be drained completely. You can bleed some models, such as the K15 and Mini Plus, by pressing and belongings the brew button while the Keurig is plugged in but powered off.

  • Question

    Since I cleaned my Keurig, information technology trips the electric socket when I plug information technology in. What could be the trouble?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    It sounds like it could be an issue with your wiring. You lot may need to talk to an electrician.

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    What do I do if my Keurig won't warm upward?

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    Staff Reply

    You may need to empty the internal hot water tank. Endeavour powering the Keurig brewer off but keeping it plugged in. Close the hat of the common cold water reservoir and put a loving cup on the drip tray. Press and concord the brew button to empty the hot water tank completely (in that location will be a delay of 3 to 5 seconds before the tank begins to drain). Then, turn your brewer back on and refill the cold water reservoir. If the Keurig nevertheless won't heat, contact their customer service at ane-866-901-Brew(2739).

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  • There are several different Keurig models available on the marketplace, and non all models operate exactly the same way. You lot tin notice detailed instructions for using each model on the Keurig website.

  • Some Keurig machines can as well brew coffee from coffee grounds. Yet, simply select models do this. Check your machine's transmission and read the directions advisedly to learn if and how y'all tin can practise this earlier inserting ground beans into the device.

  • You can set up your Keurig to shut downward automatically after 2 hours to save free energy. Only hitting the power push to turn it back on over again.

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Article Summary X

To apply a Keurig machine to make coffee, start by filling the h2o reservoir and pressing the power button so the h2o starts heating up. When information technology's finished, place a mug on the drip tray, and lift the handle on the front end and put a K-cup within. To starting time brewing, close the handle, and printing the "brew" push button or select a mug size from your machine's options. Once liquid stops pouring, remove your loving cup from the auto. To dispose of the Thousand-cup, lift the top handle and throw the Thou-cup in the trash. For tips on how to clean and descale your Keurig automobile, go on reading!

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